Coach Dman

Recent Work


A database for players and staff that is made for teams, players & staff to easier find each other and also removes the initial exchange of information between the player and a team.

Dragon Value Calculator

A calculator to find out the exact gold value of any combination of dragons. For any champion at any level with any items.

Work #3

Coming soon...

My coaching is always tailored to the individuals needs and mostly focused on the game knowledge aspect, building habits and improving your thought patterns.

With all sessions a basic coaching plan is set up that returning clients & I will be working with to easily track improvements and work towards the next goal. All sessions are recorded!


Book private coaching with Dman to improve your game knowledge and improve your gameplay to reach new heights!

Looking for a Strategic coach or head coach for your organisation? Dman has several years of experience in the proffesional scene.

Are you a parent with a kid that is very fond of video games and want them to get a healthier relationship to gaming. Then this is for you! 

Are you running a E-sport school or academy? Are you a school with a orientation towards E-sports? Then you have come to the right place! 

Throughout the year Dman is posting educational content on his Patreon. Which also comes with other perks and benefits. Don’t miss out on his next post!


Need a new face for your brand? Or are you simply looking for a person for your advertisments. Dman is available for hire!